Search results for ‘weekend wrap’

  WEEKEND WRAP A VOICE of BALTIMORE OCCASIONAL SERIES Op-Ed Musings on the Week’s Events   A PRECURSOR TO FOUR YEARS DOWN THE LINE? WILL IT BE MD.’S GOV’NOR VS. THE FIRST LADY Grinning like a Cheshire Cat, O’Malley leads delegates in repetitious cheers; plays to convention audience, seeming to ignore folks at home watching […]

  WEEKEND WRAP A VOICE of BALTIMORE OCCASIONAL SERIES Op-Ed Musings on the Week’s Events   It was the GOP Convention to nominate Mitt Romney for President, and Dirty Harry did it — his way:  Energizing the delegates, pulverizing the pundits, electrifying the country and confounding the media talking heads. For a different perspective on […]

  WEEKEND WRAP A VOICE of BALTIMORE OCCASIONAL SERIES Op-Ed Musings on the Week’s Events   MAN WITH MANTRA  ‘BAD GUYS WITH GUNS’ RETIRES  AFTER  FIVE YEARS  AT THE HELM Police liaison/crime adviser to mayor also leaving Police chiefs come and go. In Baltimore its a rite of passage. So despite catching everyone off-guard this […]

  …AND A BIG MONEY-MAKER FOR THE MLB TEAM OWNERS Future job listing in Congress? —‘Majority Leader Wanted’ KASICH COULD GIVE CLINTON A RUN FOR HER MONEY IN ’16, BUT WILL THE GOP PICK HIM?   By David Maril   While wondering how long it will be before Major League Baseball teams begin selling tickets […]

  BONDS, CLEMENS, McGWIRE & SOSA SHOULD BE VOTED IN OR OUT BASED ON THEIR RECORDS, NOT THEIR CHARACTER Mike Mussina gets shortchanged, as ‘Charlie Hustle’ (Pete Rose) morphs into ‘Charlie Hustler’ ROSE, FOUND GUILTY OF GAMBLING, DESERVES HIS LIFETIME BAN   By David Maril   One of the rewards from my having covered Major […]

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